Several years ago I was asked to be a designer for a company that sold card making kits. The first gal already on the team to welcome me, was Dolores. She and I became good friends on the Internet. Then, about 2 1/2 years ago, we both met in Branson(she lives in SD and I live in LA), and I got to "see" her for the first time. Our friendship has continued over the years, and she has become very dear to me. What a thrill I had recently to learn that she and part of her family would be making a quick trip to the wonderful state of Louisiana. And guess what? Her DH was so sweet to bring her by my house for a short visit. Thanks a bunch, Mel. Dolores brought me some card making supplies as a little surprise , and some were handmade. Aren't I special!! Sharing with you the card Dolores brought to me. It is just darling. She even brought me the pattern for it. Thanks so much, Dolores, for just being a very special friend to me.